Where to start? A guide for beginners.

You’re starting out from scratch, you may be a complete beginner or you may have taken a long break, how do we start or restart?

You might want to begin yoga a yoga journey, you may want to start on an exercise plan, you may want to change your eating habits, be healthier….

Whatever it is, I promise you - if you put in the work - the change can be made.

You just have to follow a few simple steps!

So… What do you do? Where do you start?

This blog post will give you some ideas if you’re feeling a little lost in the sea of workouts, tips, recipes and hacks out there!

  • FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT - what exactly are you looking to do and why are you looking for this change in your life? What is driving the will to add exercises to your routine or eat healthier? Pin-point what it is you want and be very clear about your “why”. Your WHY will be the reason you stick with these new changes. Write these reasons down, keep them on your wall or in your diary so you can look at them and remind yourself what brought you on this new road if you ever feel unsure or unmotivated.

  • ASK FOR THE HELP OF AN EXPERT - if you don’t have a clue where to start, there is absolutely no shame in asking for help. Admitting what you don’t know or asking whether the information you do have is correct. Can you think of a friend whose lifestyle you admire, who has a lot of experience in the gym (if that’s your goal) perhaps? She or he might be a great place to start. If you’re totally new to exercising I highly recommend getting in touch with a coach, they will guide you towards your goals and give you all the knowledge and motivation you need! I do plenty of online classes and share tips and workouts on Instagram @watermelon_fitness_official and on my website frequently! I also train people online via True Coach, a great platform that includes video demos for every exercise and lots of hands-on client support.

  • ONE STEP AT A TIME - take it slow and go easy on yourself, don’t change EVERYTHING straight away. If you have never worked out in your life don’t go all in with five intense workout a week. Work up to it… Perhaps start with 20/30 mins 3 times a week. Explore different ways of training and find workouts that you enjoy! If you are stimulate by the work and you’re getting energy from it, you’re guaranteed to come back next week. The same concept goes for cleaning up your nutrition, don’t cut out all your favourite foods, chances are, you’ll stick it for a month and then you’ll binge all your favourite treats. Think about moderation, slowly eating less of what doesn’t make you feel good. Eating more mindfully. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and don’t shock it with new extreme changes out of nowhere. Work up to new habits and give your body a chance to adapt to a new lifestyle.

  • REMEMBER IT CAN BE HARD - there are times you might find it really hard, your body is getting used to new adjustments physically and mentally, you might experience DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) or muscle pain but remember this is normal if you’re not used to exercising. Don’t let muscle pain stop you. Encourage yourself and always remember where you started… You’ve got this!

Hopefully this helped!

Let me know if these tips worked for you and don’t be shy, reach out to me with any questions at all…

You can start on your fitness journey today and I can help you, all you have to do is get in touch :)

Keep it juicy Watermelon Lovers,





Why Meditation?

