Why Meditation?

Happy New Week Watermelon Lovers!

I hope you are happy and well :)

Today I'm writing to you about meditation. Some of you may already have this practice in place but if you don't, I highly reccomend starting!

When I first began meditating I could hardly sit for one minute without feeling like my head was going to explode. I was so overwhelmed by my thoughts and my head felt very noisy.

With time, I started to be able to sit for longer, eventually I could meditate for 10 minutes straight and now I try to make time for 20 minutes a day.

Getting to know our minds is the key factor to balancing our lives, improving our relationships, developing empathy, peace and self awareness among many other great qualities.

The more I meditate, the more I find myself becoming more aware of the state of my mind.

I feel grounded, grateful and more conscious.

But what is meditation actually doing to our brain on a more scientific level?

  • Meditation enlarges the prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is responsible for rational decision-making. Studies have shown that meditation increases grey matter (brain cell bodies important for processing power and linked to intelligence) in this region.

  • Meditation shrinks the amygdala. The key brain structure known as centre of emotions and fear. Smaller amygdala found in more mindful people are associated with greater emotional control.

  • Meditation thickens the hippocampus; the key for learning and memory.

  • Meditation enhances high-amplitude gamma brainwave activity. High-frequency gamma waves correlate with states of heightened awareness and bliss. Long-term meditators have been shown to have more gamma wave activity both before and during meditation.

  • Meditation is self directed neuroplasticity. The concept of self-directed neuroplasticity means that you’re literally in control of your own evolution, responsible for the shape and function that your brain takes on.

These are only some of the benefits...

Need any more convincing? Get started today. All you need is yourself, an open mind, a comfortable seat or mat and you’re ready to start. Remember, it’s not always easy to listen to what’s going on up there but with some patience you can do it.

With time it will get easier and you might even get pleasure (I know, crazy right!) out of the experience.

There are also great apps you can use if you would prefer to start with a guide. I personally use the “Waking Up” app by Sam Harris but I’ve also heard “Calm” and “Insight Timer” are very helpful.

Please let me know how you get on… If you join my yoga classes on zoom you will be doing some meditations too.

If you'd like to join the Tuesday HIIT class at 7 pm GMT + 1 or my Thursday Yoga Class at 6:30 pm get in touch on Instagram @Watermelon_Fitness_Official or via email watermelonfitness2020@gmail.com. 

I’ll be here, rooting for you and I'm leaving you with a 2 minute meditation you can try.
If you try it, let me know how you find it and what sort of guided meditations you'd like next. Maybe some day I'll start a meditation class too.

Wishing you a great week.

Your coach,




Join the December Watermelon Challenge!


Where to start? A guide for beginners.