The Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus)

Thank you to Marco Testasecca (Paps) for this wonderful representation of the Manipura Chakra Symbol

Thank you to Marco Testasecca (Paps) for this wonderful representation of the Manipura Chakra Symbol


This Chakra represents willpower and transformation and relates to digestion and heat.

It is located at the solar plexus between the base of the sternum and the navel.

The word Manipura means "the city of jewels"

On an energetic level, this third Chakra works to store energy in the center of our bodies, and then distributes pranic energy to the rest of the body.

The Manipura translates to the energy center “chi” in Chinese medicine and Martial Arts.

This Solar Plexus Chakra is connected to our digestive system and our gut (often known as the second brain) as well as our “gut feelings”.

The health of our gut (Manipura Chakra) can have a profound influence on the brain (Ajna and Sahasrara Chakra) so this 3rd Chakra is closely related to the 6th and 7th Chakras.

The Manipura chakra may become blocked by “impure” thoughts and emotions.

Blockages of this kind could bring on digestive disorders and diabetes. A lack of balance in this Chakra could also lead to nutrition deficiency and stomach problems such as eating disorders, ulcers and the irritable bowel syndrome.

Those who have an imbalanced Manipura chakra, can display aggressive and controlling behavior. They can also feel a lack of confidence to stand up for themselves and make appropriate decisions.

When our third Chakra is in harmony, we are comfortable with our transformations and transitions in life, have a strong and balanced sense of our needs and we live from an empowered sense of identity.

mani = gem / jewel

pure = city

Image = Ball of Yellow Light

Seed Sound = RAM

Element Associated = Fire

Color Associated = Yellow

Glands Associated = Pancreas (secrets insulin that controls sugar levels in our body) Diaphragm and Spleen

Motion = Samana Vayu (side to side motion uniting prana in our thorassic area)

 & Apana Vayu

Excess in energy = quick to anger, aggression, dominating, controlling

Deficient in energy = timidity, indecisiveness, passivity, low self esteem

Essential Oils = Juniper Berry for activation, Vetiver for calming, Lemon for maintanence

Asanas Associated = Navasana (Boat), Anantasana Lying Leg Lifts, Upavista Konasna (forward fold), Marychiasana C (seated twist); Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel), Dhanurasana (Bow), Ustrasana (Camel), Bhujangasana (Cobra), Urdvha Mukha Savasana (Upward Facing Dog)

Pranayamas Associated = Kapalabati (abdominal contraction breathing, stimulates metabolism)

Symbol = downward-facing triangle in the middle of a ten petal lotus in yellow color.

The 10 petals represent the 10 pranas within us.


The Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)


The Svadhisthana Chakra (Sacral)