4 Habits to Keep You Feeling Good This Christmas
Watermelon December Tips!
1. Aim to make your meals as colourful as possible, striving for a portion of vegetables x 3 times per day, x 2 portions of fruit. Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, they’re an excellent source of fibre which helps to maintain a healthy gut. Consuming plenty of fruit and veg can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
2. Try to eat a large portion of protein at every meal - protein helps increase muscle mass and strength, it reduces your hunger hormone ghrelin and leaves you satiated for longer therefore limiting your time beside the selection boxes 😂
3. Decide how many workouts you would like to commit to weekly over the holidays, that number might be less than usual given that the Christmas season tends to be a busier time & that’s ok! Think about taking a total break for the week of Christmas perhaps, to reset for the year to come and set goals for 2021
4. Focus on the present, try to enjoy every moment and treasure the time you have with whomever you are celebrating this year (if you are celebrating) This Christmas may be a little different but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to enjoy every minute of it!
I hope these tips helped and don’t forget, a fun way to stay on track is also joining the #DecemberWatermelon calendar, it’s super fun and there is a new challenge every day! The best part is, if you enter in even just one of the challenges, you’re in for a chance to win a free 6 week programme with me starting January 2020.
All details are in my last Blogpost, find out how to enter:
I hope you found this useful, if you have any other tips let me know!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @watermelon_fitness_official
Stay juicy,